Friday, January 18, 2013

Getting Started

This is hard for me. I find it rather presumptuous and arrogant to assume that stuff I write for myself would be of interest to other people. Stuff I write for school or work or church, sure, since it's designed for an audience. And I guess a blog can be designed for an audience too, but well, that's not what this one is really for.

Ok. so maybe I'm lying. Maybe, hidden beneath the layers of propriety and modesty I've been taught to wear, I really believe my thoughts are awesome and incredible and totally worth sharing and listening to. I'll freely admit that I believe I am intelligent, and that most of my friends and co-workers would agree with me. (There are a few, having seen my silly moments, that may disagree.) So, while I don't think I am capable of fixing the world's problems, I do feel like people should listen to more of my ideas.

For example, why aren't more people like me when it comes to celebrities? I like movies and music just as much as anyone, but who cares what Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie do in their spare time? Or what color Brittney Spears' underwear is? There are so many magazines and tv shows and internet stuff devoted to stalking people who are famous for being able to sing or being able to pretend to be someone else. (As a side note, some of these people are famous for being able to pretend to sing and being someone else.)

I think the world would be a better place if people quietly acknowledged the talent it takes to sing or act, and then MOVED ON. Let actors and (to be politically correct) actresses and singers have normal lives. Stop encouraging them to do drastic things to stay in the headlines. Instead, follow and love your family and friends. Find out what they love and think about. Stop caring about what some person, who doesn't know you exist, feels about drowning puppies.

Ok, venting over. And I have no idea if this is a good first post for this. I promise not to vent every time I post something. Most of the time, this will be a place of happy thoughts. :)


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